NSX Application Platform Metrics API.

NSX Application Platform Metrics API.

NSX Application Platform Metrics APIs are defined using the OpenAPI standards. These Restful APIs borrow some elements of the NSX Application Platform API referenced at https://developer.vmware.com/apis/nsx-intelligence-and-application-platform/

Clients interact with the API using RESTful web service calls over the HTTPS protocol. Unless otherwise noted, request and response bodies are encoded using JSON, and must conform to the JSON schema associated with each method. The content type of each request and reply is "application/json" unless otherwise specified.

Similar to the NSX-T Data Center APIs, basic authentication is used for all NSX Application Platform APIs and for the features running on the platform including "metrics".

Request Failures

It is possible for any request to fail. Errors are reported using standard HTTP response codes. The below table defines the HTTP Status codes that this API may return

| Status Code      | Description | Reason                                                                |
| ---------------- | ------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200              | OK          | API executed successfully. Check the response payload                 |
| 204              | NO CONTENT  | API executed successfully. No response payload.                       |
| 400              | BAD REQUEST | If the request is not valid.                                          |
| 403              | FORBIDDEN   | If the user is forbidden to perform the operation on the application. |