

Metrics timeseries data request

JSON Example
    "granularity": "string",
    "start_time": 0,
    "end_time": 0

Enumeration of different granular data points supported by the system. Metrics data points are maintained at 5Mins, 1Hour and 1Day granularities.

Possible values are : FIVE_MINUTES, ONE_HOUR, ONE_DAY,
integer As int64 As int64

Start time interval for the metrics query. Epoch time in seconds. Default values are as follows - Start time will be based on the endtime and granularity if provided. For FIVE_MIN granularity end_time - 12 hours, For ONE_HOUR granularity end_time - 1 week, For ONE_DAY granularity end_time - 1 month. If end time and granularity are not provided, granularity will be defaulted to FIVE_MIN and start time would be 12 hours before end time.

integer As int64 As int64

End time interval for the metrics query. Epoch time in seconds. Default values are as follows - End time will be based on the start time and granularity if provided. For FIVE_MIN granularity, end_time will be start_time + 12 hours or current time whichever is earlier, for ONE_HOUR granularity, end_time will be start_time + 1 week or current time whichever is earlier, and for ONE_DAY granularity, end_time will be start_time + 1 month or current time whichever is earlier. If start time and granularity are not provided, granularity will be defaulted to FIVE_MIN and end time will be current time.